Saturday, May 29, 2010

05.29.2010 - Rescued!

Today is a new beginning for me. I was rescued from the Solano County Animal Shelter this morning by Robert, a really nice guy from VCNC Rescue Ops; not a moment too soon. I was in the shelter since 03.30.2010. Shortly after being evaluated, I was neutered but then I started showing signs of kennel cough so I was in the sick ward for a while. After I recovered I was made available for adoption but nobody wanted me; how sad is that? I am a playful, sweet boy.

So here I am in a foster home with one other foster dog and four (4) full time resident dogs; can be pretty crazy here at times. I have to be frank, I wouldn't mind being the only dog for a family with a couple of kids and a stay-at-home mom or dad. One or two small dogs would be fine as well; I used to live with two small dogs and believe me, they ruled the roost! I loved to play with the kids!
I don't know what a cat is so I'd probably have to become accustomed to it. I have only been here about six hours so I have yet to show my real nature. I don't really bark very much, and the bark I do have is rather anemic, perhaps as a result of barking too much in the past. I do like to howl (along with the rest of the neighborhood dogs) when I hear a fire engine or police siren. I LOVE to run in this BIG yard; saw my first horses and have not exhibited any undesirable behavior so far.... Right now I am up on a dog bed on top of some crates in the kitchen. I have a really nice kennel outside but I'd much rather be inside near Robert. I eat in a crate without any fuss and I took a nap this afternoon in a crate while Robert lay on a dog bed outside my crate. Tonight I will sleep in a crate in the bedroom next to the bed. It is nice to have so much attention; isn't that what we vizslas crave?

Goodnight to you all and if you read this and know of someone who would love me, please refer them to my blog.

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