Monday, May 31, 2010

05.31.2010 - Day 3

I am settling in nicely. I sleep in a crate and do not fuss or bark, unlike another certain resident vizsla here. I do my business regularly outside. I eagerly "kennel up" into a crate for breakfast and dinner. I am not a picky eater. I "sit'", "down", and "on your side" on command. I love to be pet and lay on my back while being groomed. I am a very happy boy.

Tomorrow I get to be introduced to Rothko, the other foster vizsla here. He is most handsome and seems like a really nice guy. I like to run in the horse pasture and I have yet to "learn" the habit of eating horse poop, like all the other dogs do. I love it when the human chases me around; could out-run him on two legs...poor guy. I am supposed to go to the vet tomorrow for a check-up so we will see how that goes. The county shelter vet said I was "wiggly"; obviously, he did not know how to properly examine me. Robert just has me lie on my back and goes over every inch of me with a fine toothed comb; who the hell knows what he is looking for! I don't mind! It feels good and I trust him; he has that sweet, trustable face....

I cannot tell you how happy I am to be out of the shelter. All I want in life is to be loved, to be your "special boy" and to love you in return with every breath I take!

05.30.2010 - Day 2

My first night here was spent in a crate next to Robert's bed; no problems. We get up whenever Dolly, a resident vizsla decides, usually early. I go out and do my business and then return to the kitchen where I eat in a crate. After everyone has eaten and Robert has his caffeine fix, we go outside to run in the horse pasture while he tends to the horses. I had lots of fun running and made no attempt to escape (now why would I do that?). After the horses are done, we all return to the backyard and do our own things. I have not shown any interest in balls or toys yet, mainly I like to just explore all the smells or come inside and nap on the dog bed next to Robert while he reads his email or up on the crates looking out the kitchen window where I can see just about everything.

I have not yet been introduced to Rothko, the other foster dog here, but I have seen him and he looks like a nice guy. We rotate turns being separated until Robert introduces us and we show him we are OK with one another. When I am loose I can come and go at will; there is an open sliding glass door with a screen covering which allows me to go through without assistance. The door leads onto the deck overlooking the rear yard and there are steps down to the yard. It is a big yard and there is lots of room to run and explore.

I spend my day playing and napping. Dinnertime is pretty much like breakfast. We all in in crates and then we go outside to help with the horses. Then it is back into the rear yard or house. Sometimes we watch a movie before we go to bed. I could get used to a life like this with someone who loved having me around...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

05.29.2010 - Rescued!

Today is a new beginning for me. I was rescued from the Solano County Animal Shelter this morning by Robert, a really nice guy from VCNC Rescue Ops; not a moment too soon. I was in the shelter since 03.30.2010. Shortly after being evaluated, I was neutered but then I started showing signs of kennel cough so I was in the sick ward for a while. After I recovered I was made available for adoption but nobody wanted me; how sad is that? I am a playful, sweet boy.

So here I am in a foster home with one other foster dog and four (4) full time resident dogs; can be pretty crazy here at times. I have to be frank, I wouldn't mind being the only dog for a family with a couple of kids and a stay-at-home mom or dad. One or two small dogs would be fine as well; I used to live with two small dogs and believe me, they ruled the roost! I loved to play with the kids!
I don't know what a cat is so I'd probably have to become accustomed to it. I have only been here about six hours so I have yet to show my real nature. I don't really bark very much, and the bark I do have is rather anemic, perhaps as a result of barking too much in the past. I do like to howl (along with the rest of the neighborhood dogs) when I hear a fire engine or police siren. I LOVE to run in this BIG yard; saw my first horses and have not exhibited any undesirable behavior so far.... Right now I am up on a dog bed on top of some crates in the kitchen. I have a really nice kennel outside but I'd much rather be inside near Robert. I eat in a crate without any fuss and I took a nap this afternoon in a crate while Robert lay on a dog bed outside my crate. Tonight I will sleep in a crate in the bedroom next to the bed. It is nice to have so much attention; isn't that what we vizslas crave?

Goodnight to you all and if you read this and know of someone who would love me, please refer them to my blog.